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2022 Testimonials
"I encourage you to read up on another candidate, Kimberly Fiorello, who has backed local police and fought for law and order during her first term in Hartford. She is on the ballot this coming November. She supports SROs and police in our schools. She opposed the Deceptive Interrogation Bill. Candidates like Kimberly are who law enforcement officers should publicly support regardless of whether our unions and police associations have endorsed such candidates." See all of Joseph Montanaro's letter
"I would call those of us who agree with Kimberly as a cross-section of regular citizens, who are paying attention to Hartford because we are parents and grandparents looking out for the future. We view Kimberly’s “no” votes in Hartford cast in the best interests of Connecticut citizens as a badge of courage and as a check on the government-as-usual Hartford crowd." See all of Walter E. Auch's letter
"“I want to share with the people of Greenwich that when I organized a community meeting for an issue important to veterans, I invited every elected official in town to join us. Only one showed up, Kimberly Fiorello. And she didn’t just talk to us, she listened and asked questions to understand the history and the details. And most importantly, she took actions to help us.” See all of David Wold's letter
"Concerned Greenwich Parents supports candidates with a track record of doing what they promise to do and the strength of character and courage to defend and advance parental rights and liberty when elected. I hope you will join us in supporting Kimberly Fiorello whose core principles put children and families first as this is a bedrock of any healthy, thriving society." See all of Joseph Solari's letter

2020 Testimonials
"[Kimberly] is among the most impressive, exciting and qualified persons running for state political office...Kimberly's top priority is to re-energize Connecticut's languishing economy to benefit all of its citizens." See all of Barry Weston's letter
"As a long-time Connecticut resident, I want leaders that love our country, protect our citizens and property, and lead us into prosperity...[Kimberly] is the kind of enterprising and energetic leader that we want in Hartford." See all of Elisa Esses' letter
"...You can count on [Kimberly] to evaluate proposals based on facts, not buzzwords, and by asking the tough questions about the value propositions behind the concepts and the actual costs and benefits to Connecticut residents." See all of Andy Wainwright's letter
"[Kimberly's] personal “story” is very compelling, but what most impresses me is her clear thinking and her principled approach to addressing Connecticut’s issues."
See all of Skip Auch's letter
"In campaigning for the D7 RTM, [Kimberly] left no stone unturned. She actively communicated with her constituents, had yard signs up before many incumbents did and actively went door to door in our District." See all of Wynn McDaniel's letter
"As a new member of the General Assembly, Kimberly will be a fresh, bright face... Kimberly will stand out as a legislator helping to get things done with members of both political parties." See all of Gale Hartch's letter
"Kimberly is smart and focused, a wonderful mother to four, and 'able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!'" See all of Icy Frantz's letter
"I enthusiastically support Kimberly Fiorello for the 149 State District.".
See all of Lucia Jansen's letter
"The citizens of the 149th District of Greenwich need Kimberly Fiorello in Hartford"
See all of Valarie Stauffer's letter
"Kimberly Fiorello is the only candidate running for state representative in District 149 who understands the most urgent challenge facing the state of CT..."
See all of Stephen Schmalhofer's letter
"... Kimberly can be the type of legislator who reaches across the aisle to members of the other party and engages in diplomatic, purposeful discussion to craft the legislation that the citizens of CT need and deserve." See all of Michael Basham's letter
"Kathleen [Stowe] is like so many other Greenwich parents... As colleagues who know her the question must be asked, does she have the bandwidth for the jobs...? Our experience serving with her says no." See all of Peter Sherr and Karen Kowalski's letter
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